Designing the grounded theory pattern of using virtual networks for the realization of education among Lorestān Province's low-literates and illiterates

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Social Welfare at Allāmeh Tabātabā'i University

2 (PhD), Lecturer at Farhangiān University (Ayatollāh Kamālvand Branch, Khoramābād, Lorestān)


This study seeks to identify the function of the virtual social networks in educating the literates and illiterates in Lorestān province. It was a qualitative research with the grounded theory design. The research population consisted of specialists in the field of virtual the education, media institution, education, and the low- literate and illiterate people. The sample was selected through "purposeful and theoretical sampling". The data collection tool was "the in-depth interview" and after interviewing 15 experts, the theoretical saturation was obtained. Also, the "Strauss and Corbin" approach and the three steps of open, axial and selective coding were used to analyze the data. The central phenomenon of this study was "media knowledge poverty". The causal conditions governing it are "virtual inferiority, traditional beliefs and ideas, and the virtual non-sociability." The prevailing contexts are " the legal barriers to the virtual development education, the poverty of the specialized knowledge and the retrospective understanding of virtual education". The intervening conditions on the central phenomenon are "virtual incompatibility, cost-benefit-based view and learning motivations' weakness ". Media knowledge poverty alleviation strategies focus on "the need-based education, integration of the virtual education, and the continuous performance appraisal," resulting in the implications of " the sense of the effectiveness of virtual literacy, applied content creation, educational empowerment, and the organizational modernization." The results showed that poverty of policy making in the field of virtual education and the legal gap in the literacy have doubled the contexts and mechanisms for overcoming the poverty of the media knowledge. This, along with a sense of the virtual inferiority, traditional beliefs and thinking, the virtual non-sociability of the literacy students have led to the maladaptation and the reluctance of the low-literates and illiterates towards the space and consequently the virtual education.


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