Required citizenship skills for students in the earth-quaked city of Bam


1 Associate Professor of Management and Educational Planning of Alzahra University

2 MA in Educational Management, Alzahra University


One of the most important and challenging tasks of an educational system is delivering "citizenship education". Even though this mission is of great concern to most countries, in Iran it has neither received enough attention, nor has a problem based approach taken place to educate the citizens to confront problems at the time of crisis.

This paper is focused on Bam earthquakes young survivals who suffered greatly in the aftermath of disaster due to their lack of the necessary life skills to confront and cope with crisis. The aim of this project was identifying the necessary life skills needed for children after the earthquake. Thus, in addition to reviewing the existing literature on citizenship education, and crisis management, attempts made to identify and prioritize the basic life skills for that group of children.
