Assessment of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and attitude towards educational condition of students in different level of of study to predict school achievement


Professor of Islamic Azad university, Roodehen Branch


This investigation was implemented on 368 students who were randomly selected among guidance cycle and different branches of secondary cycle and precollege centers in

Tehran provinces. The research data was obtained by administering a self-regulation and an attitude scale on the sample group.After data analysis  the following results were found::

The mean school achievement of girls was significantly higher than that of boys.
The students, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and their attitude was lower than average.
Mathematic branch and precollege students extrinsic motivation was found to be average.
12 percent of school achievement variance can be explained by combination of intrinsic

motivation and attitude towards school subjects.

5-Majority of sample groups are disinterested in school subjects, but they assess teacher-

students relationship and teachers instruction methods satisfactory.
