Explaining the possibility and desirability of an Islamic approach to methodology of educational research


Assistant professor of Tarbyat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran


"Methodology of Educational Research"(=MER) is a theory(or a set of Ideas) that describes how and why knowledge can be gained through" Educational Research"(=ER) .It provides a rationale for researchers and users of ER and explains reasons behind using specific strategies and methods in dealing with educational phenomena.(Scott & Morrison, 2006). Thus methodological discourses- clearly distinguishable from current discussions on research methods and techniques- are based on philosophical foundations especially epistemological assumptions. There are different approaches to MER based on various philosophical and metaphysical positions; but in spite of this fact there are doubts on possibility and desirability of a religious or Islamic approach to MER. It seems that these doubts have been arising from positivist and secular viewpoints. This article, firstly, describes the meaning and realm of MER and points to its important role in ER. The second step in this article is to criticize this viewpoint and place emphasis on the possibility of defining a religious and value-based approach to MER. It, secondly, recognizes the paradigm of "epistemic contrast with revelatory teachings of religion" and points to its theological and philosophical foundations. Finally, the article presents an argument delineating the capabilities of Islamic teachings for understanding and guiding education and reaches the conclusion that an Islamic approach to MER is desirable.  
