Investigating the influence of teachers behavior on the students self-regulation


Lack of interest for following discipline in schools brings with it many different negative consequences for students in fields of education, society, and family. Such a lack of interest toward self-regulation sets the ground for staying away from law, lack of self-esteem, and more wrong-doings even in students who do not have serious and abnormal problems. Teachers who are in a state to possess more knowledge and ability in recognizing and creating positive relationships with students are considered to be one of the most important causes in structuring the developing personality of the students. The current research tries to explain the importance of this role in creating self-regulative behaviors in students. This research has put the following theories under examination: 1- There is significant positive correlation between the teachers friendly relationship and students care for discipline. 2- There is a positive significant relationship between teachers amount of respect for students and students organization. 3- There is positive significant relationship between teachers effort in fully explaining educational material to students and students self-regulation. 4- There is significant relationship between the teachers self-regulation model and students acceptance of discipline. In order to test the research hypothesizes 200 grade 10 female students were selected randomly from high schools of district 15 in Tehran and were asked to answer the researcher-made questionnaire. The results of the research showed that friendly and sincere relationship between teachers and students, the superiority of teachers self-regulative model for students, teachers acceptable effort in order to clarify educational material, respect students, as well as students family success cause the increase of the students self-regulative behavior.
