Socratic method as a strategy for civic education


(PhD), Ghom University, mahinchenari @gmailcom


Socrates is known as the first teacher. His method, named as Socratic method is used in many contexts, from elementary school,  high school, university philosophy classes to law schools. The diversity of Socratic method usage signifies the importance of this method.

     There are several criticisms on the Socrates. These criticisms should be taken into account if we are to fully understand and be able to appraise critically his point of view. Moreover, such criticisms are key elements  to decide on the ways of using Socratic method in the present education. In this paper, first, Socratic method would be examined and two elements of it, i.e., interrogation and to bring interlocutors to aporia, would be explained. Then, two distinct aspects of Socrates dialogues would be discussed as Socratic paradoxes. It would be shown that although nowadays, Socrates and his method is considered in many cases, however, in each case, attention was paid to only one of these aspects. Finally, in this paper, regarding the attention to just one aspect of this method, we would consider it’s application to civic education from a new perspective.
