Relationship between teachers’ perception of school culture and their readiness for innovation adoption in applying ICT in learning-teaching process


1 (PhD), Shiraz University

2 MA student in educational Administration at Shiraz University


The main goal of this paper was  to study the relationship between school culture and teachers readiness for innovation adoption in using ICT in teaching-learning process. The research population included the whole secondary school teachers of first and third districts of Shiraz and the deprived districts of Galle Dar and Doshman Ziary. 211 subjects were selected through stratified random sampling. Research instruments were School Culture Measure of Philips, G (1993) and Innovation Adoption Questionnaire made by Reid Ball (2005) that were distributed among subjects after calculation of their reliability and validity. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multiple regressions). Results showed: 1- Process has the highest and task has the lowest power in predicting male and female teachers’ innovation adoption in learning ICT and teaching by internet. 2- Process has the highest and task has the lowest power in predicting teachers’ innovation adoption in learning ICT and teaching by internet based on their major.

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