An Investigation of professional problems perceived by teachers of different teaching experiences in Iran’s education system


Research Institute for Education (Ministry of Education), Tehran, Iran


The objective of the present study was to identify teachers’ problems at work. The research followed a descriptive method. The research sample were chosen among guidance school teachers in Iran, using a multi-stratified cluster sampling method. At first, provinces were classified into groups. Then, one province was selected randomly from each group. A questionnaire was administered to gather the data needed after approving its content validity. Moreover, the reliability of the instrument was estimated based on Cronbach Alpha procedure. The results showed that teachers’ problems from the most to least faced ones were as follows: use of instructional aids and materials, application of different methods and approaches, teacher-student interaction, familiarity with school and work affairs, assessment and evaluation of students’ academic achievement, repair and improvement of learning situation and classroom management. Hence, the problem which most of the teachers faced, was the use of instructional aids and materials, but the least-faced problem was classroom management. So, the policy makers of education system should have particular emphasis on designation and development of pre-service, and in-service teacher training of those issues that teachers had the most problem with them.
