Exploring the process of professional development of teachers in teacher training centers: A grounded theory


1 (PhD), Allāme Tabātabāyi University

2 (PhD), Shahid Beheshti University


Schools are not better than the teachers that teach there; therefore professional development is crucial issue for teachers’ progress and their professional development. The aim of this study was exploring the process of teacher professional development in teacher training centers, using systematic design of grounded theory. The participants were selected among the teachers and teacher educators in teacher training centers, and the researchers interviewed 11 instructors and principals and arranged interview in the form of focus groups with 5 groups of primary school and guidance school teachers. After three stages of data analysis including open, axial and selective coding, results showed the eleven categories in the paradigmatic model including causal conditions (external and internal motivation), main category (participation in professional learning), professional development strategies (individual, partnership and training), context (focus on content and duration of course); environmental factors (organizational and psychological factors) and outcomes (learning transfer, change of attitude and knowledge and negative outcome as unsatisfied expectations). Finally, based on the obtained results, some strategies have been suggested to improve the professional development of teachers in teacher training centers.
