Philosophy of Education in Islamic Republic of Iran and Realizing the "Teacher as Researcher"


1 PhD Candidate at Philosophy of Education, Tarbiyat Modares University

2 (PhD), Tarbiat Modares University


The purpose of this article is to expose the limitations of the philosophy of Islamic education to realize its desires, such as “teacher as researcher”. These limitations will be exposed in encountering with practical philosophy. Philosophy of Islamic education, at present, is focus on Islamic education as an ideal which is a magnificent logical construction that all of its commonplaces should be desirable, including the teacher. Teacher’s professional performance, however, largely depends on her (or his) good performance in practical situations, safety of her (or his) arguments, and the quality of her (or his) choices and decisions. Because of the modern conceptions such as "practitioner as executor", "theory as theorist’s theory" and "practice as application of theory" governing on our current understanding, philosophy of Islamic education may be met serious constraint to realizing Islamic educational practitioner who is wish for. Theoretically, it can not properly justify it, and practically, it may be exposed to some limitations to realize it.
