The role of gender stereotypes of the 1st grade high school Persian language and literature textbooks in choosing the field of study of male and female students


1 (PhD), University of Alzahrā

2 PhD Candidate at Islamic Āzād University, (Corresponding author)


In this study, texts and pictures of the 1st grade high school Persian language and literature textbooks have been studied regarding the gender stereotypes and their roles in choosing the field of study by male and female students. The research population consisted of the 1st grade high school Persian language and literature textbooks in the 1389-90 Academic year and also, all 1st grade high school students of Tehran. 8 students (4 males and 4 females) were selected using purposeful sampling method to be interviewed. It was a qualitative research. Data was collected using »the guide to sex discrimination analysis in children’ textbook and literature« developed by Andree Michel and also through interview with the students. The books’ content was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Also, they were analyzed according to sex discrimination. And finally, the interview data was analyzed. Findings showed that most percentage of nouns and pictures belongs to males. Also, among the various activities, the females’ share was mainly household activities and they had the least share in political-social activities. Social behavior and personality characteristics attributed to males and females were also affected by the prejudice that introduces woman as a secondary sex and man as a superior one. Generally, the results showed that in the 1st grade high school textbooks, several gender stereotypes could be found and the represented pictures of males and females are not consistent with the social realities. Females learn through the books that males are more able in practical and technical activities, so the revision of the textbooks is recommended.



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