Creative school; what and how in primary school

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Curriculum Planning at Khārazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 (PhD), Khārazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The present study aims to identify the dimensions and components of creative schools at primary schools. A qualitative study was done based on the documentary researc. A purposive sampling method was done based on inclusion criteria. To do so, inductive content analysis was performed, using ATLAS.ti software –NCT approach. So, 283 relevant written sources (documents, articles and books) were analyzed at the theoretical saturation level. The creative school consists of 6 dimensions and 30 components. The “creative curriculum” dimension consists of 9 components (curriculum goals, curriculum content, teaching-learning strategies, instructional materials and sources, learners grouping, Learners' learning activities, space, time , evaluation), “creative student” dimension consists of three components (cognitive-thinking, attitudinal-interest, behavioral-functional belief), the “creative family” dimension includes five components (economical-social status, parents’ educational level, the emotional setting of the family, child upbringing, parents’ innovative attitude), the “creative teacher” has five components (class leadership, thinking in the classroom, awarding, teacher personality, knowledge and professional skills), the “creative manager” dimension includes four components (management style, creative view, creativity development in teachers, Human relations and interaction) and “creative culture” has four components (involvement, embracing creativity, investigative spirit, freedom of thought and action). The results of this study could be used as a stepping stone for teachers, experts, designers and parents to design and create environments based on creativity.


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