A new look at education reforms based on rhizomatic and quantum thinking

Document Type : Original Article


1 (PhD), Organization for Educational Research and Planning, Tehran, Iran

2 (PhD), Counselor at Ministry of Education (Educational District 4), Tehran, Iran


The global epidemic of Covid-19 has faced the education system with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. A prominent feature of this pandemic is the creation of unpredictable, uncertain conditions and lack of certainty in all the phenomena of the universe,which many experts believe that it promises a new life or better order in all aspects of life, including education. Achieving this new life or higher order depends on reflection, reform and even transformation of the education system. This requires a new rearrangement and rethinking of philosophical foundations. The present study was conducted to study the rhizomatic thinking of Deleuze and the quantum thinking of Zohar in order to identify their educational implications for the five dimensions of Eisner's educational reforms using conceptual and inferential analysis. Considering the focus of both philosophical approaches on uncertainty and accepting the differences and constant changes, and based on the research findings, the original questions could be dealt with through rhizomatic and quantum thinking and some solutions could be provided to adapt to the continuous changes in the field of education. In this study, some considerable educational implications in various dimensions of objectives, structure, curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation (assessment) were deduced through analyzing the important elements of these two philosophical approaches.


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