Effective Factors to promote privacy in educational environments


1 MA in Architecture at Shahid Rajāee Teacher Training University

2 (PhD), Shahid Rajāee Teacher Training University

3 (PhD), Iran University of Science and Technology


Creation of environmental privacy can prepare the grounds for physical, social and ethical development of girls and leads to an efficient and dynamic system. This research seeks to get a clear understanding of the factors that affect the issue of privacy and emphasizes the fulfillment of educational needs that provide girls with calm and tranquil educational environments. The data were analyzed through content analysis. Then, in order to measure the factors, a survey was used to collect the information needed for answering the research question. For this purpose, after studying the available sources, 25 factors contributing to privacy were extracted. Hypothesizing a positive relation between the dependent and independent variables, the opinion of the research population were studied using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed among 40 experts at Tarbiat Modares, Science and industry, Shahid Beheshti and Tehran universities. The effect and priority of extracted mental and physical components were measured by a Likert Scale. After omitting the half-completed questionnaires, the data collected from 17 experts were analyzed. Using Delphi and Shannon Entropy approach, the less important factors in the experts’ viewes were deleted for component moderation. Findings showed different effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Among the mental components, security and sense of belonging and among the physical components, hierarchy, boundary, inner and outer relations and introversion were the most important factors affecting the improvement of privacy in educational environments.
