Mathematics content framework in Iran’s technical and vocational education

Document Type : Original Article


PhD, mathematics education, Organization for Educational Research and Planning, Institute of Curriculum Planning and Educational Innovation, Tehran, Iran


Technical and vocational education plays an important role in supporting the social and economic development. Mathematics education is one of the complex skills in such education. However, the results of mathematics achievement tests in technical and vocational education show the shortage of mathematical abilities among its students. This research studies the mathematics content framework presented in technical and vocational education in the previous and new curriculum. To do so, several questionnaires were developed based on the Iranian mathematics curriculum standards, the research literature and the experts’ point of views through an exploratory mixed methods research. The research sample was selected through purposeful sampling method. The questionnaires were developed in Excel format so that the participants could easily choose the desired options. They were filled in by a committee in the ministry of education of Iran. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and mean. Additionally, content analysis of mathematics textbooks of the previous and existing curriculum was used to determine the framework for mathematics requirements in technical and vocational education in Iran. Findings showed the most important mathematical requirements in technical and vocational education. Statistical applications, geometry concepts and software packages were some shortcomings in technical and vocational education at secondary school level. Besides arithmetics, participants mentioned that vocational mathematics should involve mathematics processes including problem solving and reasoning. Findings also could be used when developing the mathematics textbooks and other mathematics contents in technical and vocational education at secondary school level and after that at both formal and informal levels.


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