The study of challenges confronting educational innovations


(PhD), Faculty Membeer of Tehran Teacher Training University


Diachronic study of the development and expansion of the educational innovations in the West proves the resistance against the aforementioned innovations. That is to say, the addressees of educational innovations including those in charge of the education system, school principals, teachers, and even the students’ parents and the students themselves resist and deny the necessity of innovation and such activities in education. This is due to their unfamiliarity with the inevitability of adopting creative attitudes and so like, beside lack of preparedness. In facing the recent resistances, Western scholars have recommended cultural and educational sub-structuring, allocation of acceptable amounts of investment and so like.

Studying the obstacles and problems confronted by the Iranian educational innovators makes the point evident that these innovators not only face problems similar to their colleagues in the rest of the world, but they also have other problems that sometimes end their innovations in stalemate due to the special socio-cultural circumstances in Iran. Through this paper, the aforementioned problems are discussed at three levels: the whole society, the middle rank and the lowest level of the educational system.
