Role of transformational leadershipprincipals in academic achievement of primary school students of Tehran city: Testing the effect of transformational leadership style


1 (PhD), Tarbiat Moallem University

2 (PhD), Tarbiat Moallem University, behrangi mo @yahoocom

3 (PhD),Tarbiat Moallem University


The presentCurrent study was conducted to introduce using a structural model for to examine the effect of transformational leadership style of principals on academic achievement through mediating role of procedural justice; trust in principal, intrinsic job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of teachers. A sample including of 449 teachers in grade 5 and 166 principals of boys primary schools in 10 educational school districts of Tehran city was selected and participated in the study. D data were collected through by 6 questionnaires. Principals were respondents to completed the organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire and other questionnaires were completed administered to by teachers. Academic achievement was calculated measured by averaging the grade 5 students scores results on district level examination in science and math. Construct validity and measurement model of latent variables were confirmed, using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Then the effect of transformational leadership and mediateing variables on academic achievement and also goodness of fit indexes of hypothesized and 5 alternative models were analyzed. Results demonstrated indicated that hypothesized and 3 alternative the initial models did not dont have good fit with observed data. After developing the final model, all of direct, indirect and total effects were found to be significant. This model has showed good fit with observed data and explained 0.32 of variance of academic achievement. In general, the results indicated that academic achievementtransformational leadership of principal hads significant indirect effect on academic achievement and attention to the role of mediating variables is crucial. Finally, findings implications for principals and further research are discussed.
