A critical and analytic insight into the trend of history of literature in Iran’s schools from 1991 up to 2011


1 (PhD), Allame Tabatabaei University

2 (PhD), Organization for Educational Research and Planning

3 MA at Persian Language and Literature in Allame Tabatabaei University


History of literature is apparently the history of literary texts, i.e. poem and prose, but in fact, it is the history and trend of thought and reflection which appears in the form of poetry and prose. History of literature in Iran is closely related to the history of thoughts and opinions. This relationship has always been absent in our history of literature. In the late seventies and eighties, rather fundamental changes occurred in the history of literature as there was a history of literature different from the one taught in schools up to 1993. So, first we tried to reflect the changes, then to examine the strengths and weaknesses of this course in the two decades and finally our effort focused on the comparison of history of literature of these two decades with the one in the last years. In this article, it was attempted to lead attentions to the fact that history of literature should be an applied course, and it could provide a background for changing it from a static and dull course into an applied, analytic and critical one.
